Photo of Hannah Shin

Hannah Shin

Graphic Design
2021 Fall
Minor in Designmatters
Graduation with Honors
Transmedia and Branding

Stepping into the Limelight

My bright green room welcomed me every morning with a warm hug. When I was given the chance to pick a new wall color at the age of 6, my room has been my playground ever since. Attempting to spell “designer” in my Donald Duck notebook, I found a new word that describes me. A green room is described as a “waiting room in a theater or studio where performers can relax when not performing.” As a graphic designer today, I am ready to “perform” on stage with acts including exploring the world of science and entertainment. Just as how a performer enters a green room before a show, I’ll be waiting in my green room and looking forward to start something new.

Hi, I’m Hannah, and I’m a graphic designer with a focus in brand identity, spatial/experience design, and creative direction. Let the show begin!