Photo of Rachel Han Eun Lee

Rachel Han Eun Lee

2022 Spring
Graduation with Honors
Illustration Design

Illustrator & Designer who spreads joy.

Hello, it's nice to meet you!

I am an Illustrator and Designer born and raised in the Bay Area of California.

When I'm not lip-syncing to early 2000s music...I am finding new ways to create!

I prefer to be hands-on with my work and experiment with multi-media materials.

Whether it is clay, rocks, newspaper, or bottlecaps, sign me up! I'll turn on a podcast, and I am off to work.

From a shy and quiet kid to a slightly bolder and louder adult, creating and publishing picture books is one of my biggest goals. I want to create stories that will encourage others to be themselves and laugh.

Humor, bold colors, and purposeful happy mistakes are my simple pleasures in life. I seek inspiration in nature, everyday life, and the community around me. What motivates me to create is to fulfill my childhood joy and curiosity.

As a creative, my goal is to simply spread joy, hope, and build community through my projects.