Photo of Timothy Lee

Timothy (TJ) Lee

Graduate Graphic Design
2024 Spring
ArtCenter Extension
Specializing in motion and brand identity design.

You can call me T.J.

It was definitely the umpteenth Minecraft tutorial that inspired me to design. To clarify, I don’t mean whatever block-filled structure or contraption was being instructed upon. Instead, it was the classic YouTuber dubstep accompanied graphic logo that went on just a bit too long. As a 12-year-old, it made me go: “I wanna be able to make things like that.” 

My inquisitive and obsessive nature when it came to design eventually led me down the rabbit hole of visual arts. My taste in tutorials went from Minecraft to the ever evolving list of programs used for creating visual masterpieces. Now armed with the understanding of why design has impacted me, I hope to impact you as well.