Photo of Wiri Cho

Wiri Cho

Product Design
2022 Fall
Graduation with Honors

Hi, I am Wiri, an industrial designer

Hi, my name is Wiri Cho. I’ve always been someone who has a fearless desire to try new things, a deep interest in painting, sculpture and fashion. I started as a Fine Artist but moved to design when I discovered that I could make a bigger impact when the focus was on other people’s lives, not just my own. 

As an Industrial Designer, I design products that are accessible and create ease in a fast-paced environment. I immerse myself in the cycle of conceptualization, back and forth between diverse research, sketching, psychology and physiology, in order to find an inspired design solution. With a strong focus on visual imagery, from final render to marketing and media, I tell a bold story, one that grabs your attention. With a mix of fine art, fashion and design, I find fresh and beautiful solutions that truly connect people with the products they use.