Photo of Xiaoya  Lyu

Xiaoya (Shirley) Lyu

Product Design
2023 Spring
Minor in Designmatters
Graduation with Honors
Design Strategy and Industrial Design

Product Designer & Social Innovator

Hi! My name is Shirley Lyu. I’ve always been someone who wanted to help her community, a leader, a doctor, a soldier, even a beekeeper. 

Today, my focus as a designer is on social innovation, driven by my deep desire to help others and improve their lives. I use creativity to promote equality and access, solving problems that will allow us to build better connections to each other, in our communities, and for our environment. Designing products, spatial experiences, and educational tools, my focus is on learning, expansion, and enjoyment. From ideation to the final product, I want to create opportunities that improve people’s lives and encourage us to navigate the world in a more thoughtful way.