Photo of Xingyi Wang

Xingyi Wang

Product Design
2022 Summer
Consumer Product Design

Specialized in Toy and Consumer Products, welcome to the FUN ZONE!

Hi there! I am Xingyi Wang, but you can call me Sylvia.

My childhood was spent in a small furniture factory that my family owned. Watching people sketch and brainstorm, craft and build, I saw how ideas could grow and become functional in reality.

Today, as a Product Designer, I am passionate about fun ideas, brainstorming, sketching, and staying open to new concepts, experiences, and stories. The process of discovering, making, building, and evolving allows me to be fearless about considering every possibility and uncovering new opportunities.

My experience of traveling and living in three different cultures has taught me the value of different perspectives, communicating and connecting with people from all over the world.

As a Designer, I want to create new products that address deeper needs and enhance the human experience.

Thank you