Photo of Yian Lin

Yian (Lillian) Lin

Product Design
2023 Fall
Graduation with Distinction
ArtCenter Extension
Specializing in Hard Goods | Industrial Design | Packaging Design
Consumer Product Design, UI/UX, Design Strategy, and Industrial Design

Hi, I'm Lillian Lin, an Industrial Designer

Hi, I am Lillian Lin. Born and raised in Shanghai, I grew up surrounded by diverse opportunities to explore my creativity with hands-on crafting and experimenting in design. As an Industrial Designer, observations and insights inform my desire to enhance the user experience. 

Building connections through research, ideation, prototyping and testing, allows me to refine concepts and discover new possibilities. I find solutions specific to user needs and deeply consider the communities that are often overlooked - people with unique needs, medical challenges and minorities. 

Through design, I want to create a cohesive vision that listens, inspires and shows my care.